Monday 8 February 2016

Assignment 1: Company/Brand Name Mascot

For this assignment we are to create a Mascot for an existing brand. The brand I chose was Hershey's Company. I created a mascot for 3 of the Hershey's Flavours: Cookies n' Cream, Caramel Chocolate and The original, Milk Chocolate. Each Character has a unique characteristic. They are the Main characters for this assignment.

For Cookies and Cream I chose to name the character Cream. I made Cream to be a cute innocent, looking character therefore making her the central character of all the mascots. She has a bubbly personality with a positive attitude. She wears black and white dress with cookie headpiece, which clearly shows her encouragement for the company which makes her a great mascot.

For Caramel Chocolate, I chose to name the character Joe (Caramel Joe) Joe is a lazy character, who often forgets things and trips a lot. Although, Joe maybe a klutz, he has a great obsession with Caramel Chocolate in fact, that's all he ever eats. Joe also has the habit of pushing random buttons which sometimes can come in handy...

For The original chocolate (Milk Chocolate) I chose to name the character Chase. Chase is a impulsive character (screwball) he's fast at almost everything and tends to get himself all tangled up in situations. Chase loves to eat Hersey's Milk chocolate almost as much as Joe eating Caramel Chocolate he also has the positive attitude for a Mascot and will not get anything in the way.

Now that we have the Mascots, Protagonists (Main characters), We also have the Villains (Antagonists)
Now these characters will do anything to ruin the joy and passion these mascots have for their company in fact, these villains want to destroy Hershey's Company and have their own company take over.

I chose to create 2 villains one is the main villain, and the other is a sidekick who is almost always with the main villain.

Vilian #1: Dr. Van Valmi (also known as Dr. VV) Small, pessimistic old man. Also is the owner of Fru.Co. which produces "Fruiti" Bars which are also popular on being disgusting. Dr.VV wants to have his company take over, and plans to "destroy" Hershey's Co. Dr.VV may seem clever, but his plans always backfires.

Vilian #2: Darko. Darko is a huge, threatening looking character, but has the brain the size of a walnut. He doesn't think for himself, and only tends to do what Dr. VV says (to scare off the Hershey Kids) which makes him his sidekick and guard.

Story Board:

Here are some of the rough sketches produced to make the finals (shown above)

Rough sketch of Cream

Rough sketch of Joe

Rough sketch of Chase

Rough sketch of  Dr.VV

Rough sketch of  Darko

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